Unveiling the Miracle of Who Your Are

This blog is designed to share the emerging thoughts of a living being, mainly me. Being the creative and intuitive person I am, I am always thinking, pondering, and concluding. This blog is designed to share my conclusions and to invite your response.

Friday, March 31, 2006

Animals, Binges, and Common Sense (ABC)

Animals, Binges, and Common Sense (ABC)

Well, this month has been interesting without the training wheels of Suddenly Slim.
Click on: www.firstfitness.com/getfitwithivory
What I learned about me is that I love to eat and I love to think--it is a good thing because it is the only thing that is saving me from myself. Here are the ABC's of it:

A. The only difference between animals and humans is the ability to make rational decisions by thinking. Animals don't think. They see, they eat, they wait for another opportunity to do it over again. They aren't worried about their health, image, etc. I am not an animal!!

B. Binges will present themselves all day long. It is only the rational thinking of what I have accomplished and the continuous reward of that that keep me from an ONGOING binge. Yes, I fell off the wagon one day. I went to an EXPO and ate what I wanted. That wasn't bad, however, I passed a movie theater on the way home and had this insatiable desire for RAISINETS. Every time I go to the movie, I eat them. I swung off the road, went to Kroger's and purchased a BAG of the. I ate EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM!! Immediately following the last one, the guilt kicked in. The pleasure was over and the pain had begun.

C. Common Sense must rule. I could not recall the raisnets but I could REACTIVATE the common sense approach to eating the rest of the week. It worked. Since March 3, 2006, I have lost an additional five (5) pounds. I am not intentionally doing anything--only making sensible eating choices the MAJORITY OF THE TIME. In the end, it balances out. I am firmly committed to the Suddenly Slim Forever supplements--
coupled with common sense and a desire to stay slim, they work.

Click on: www.firstfitness.com/getfitwithivory

Ivory Dorsey, March 31, 2006
Have a greater day!

"Everything precious comes with a price!"

The Ultimate Challenge:
"Find a way to be happy eating healthy!"
Bob Greene, Oprah's Personal Trainer

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Fade to Life: Everything Precious Comes with a Price: Small Pleasures--Great Pain

I'll tell you what's on my mind; the power of food! It is the one thing I can procure and enjoy without the help of anyone and now, it is off limits unless I want to play by the rules--again!!

Burst through the rules in one season of life
and the next season presents a new set!!

Here is the deal, I have become preoccupied with my "quality of life." I want to feel good and look good! I want to maintain my new found comfortable weight. I want to walk briskly. I want to feel the joy of going to my closet and selecting anything I want to wear with no limitations of whether or not it will fit. That, at this time is precious to me.

As my mother says,
"Everything precious comes with a price!"
Taste Buds Are Animals!!
One day I was tested and I won!

One day, a few months ago, I was a captured audience in the beauty shop chair when the husband came in with cooked food from Annie Mae's, the local soul food restaurant. Fried chicken, peach cobbler, corn bread, gravy, the works. They offered me some--I said no. They started eating it while I was under the dryer. I remember what that smell use to do to me and my body. As I rose to leave, I walked over to it and looked at the food and the overweight person eating it.

It was fried chicken, fried to perfection, and all that goes with it. I stared it down. Then I confidently rejected it; mind, body, and taste buds. Funny thing; my body DID NOT crave it. My mind DID NOT want it. But those taste buds were dancing and singing "wouldn't it be nice to crunch into that chicken wing?! Just like animals--see it and eat it!! My answer was hell no!! I retuned home to my sautéed fish, rice, okra, and Brussels sprouts and celebrated my victory of mind control. My journey to fitness was not interrupted!! WOW!
That was then. Today, I ran into a doctor that performs stomach augmentation for weight reduction. Being the inquisitive person I am--I could not pass up the opportunity to gain inside information. I asked him why is it people are willing to go under the knife to remove fat but are unwilling to give up food? Why would someone undergo surgery and still overeat? I wanted to know, what is the formula for maintaining the perfect body weight?

He said it is simple. We must not only change our lifestyle of eating but we must like it. He said it is about small portions of the right food and continuity of eating it. Go figure. In order for the metabolism to function on your behalf, you must keep it fueled with the right kind of food on a regular basis. It is like keeping a fire burning in the fireplace.

In addition, he said, we must keep moving, everyday. The older you are--the more you have to move to keep the metabolism burning. Then he shed light on my new found joy of beating the weight loss game! He said the success I had enjoyed by getting my weight to the desired level simply means I have to "kick it up a notch." What the body gets use to, it holds in contempt. I must move more and eat more of the right kind of food!! Whose the boss here!?

After I left him, I was driving down the street and developed this craving for raisinets!! I pulled over, bought a bag and devoured the whole bag. Driving down the street, in defiance, I ate them one at a time. Now, I am pondering the consequences. What is it about life that makes all choices so consequential? Why is it that the pleasure comes so easy and last so briefly and the pain comes later and lasts so long? Because the "boss" says so. We all know who HE is!!

Life, what a wonderful and evolving process! Stay tuned.

Ivory Dorsey

Friday, March 24, 2006

Fade to Life: Weight Loss is no longer easy!

LOSING weight is inconvenient & intentional
GAINING weight is convenient & unintentional
CHOOSE, this day, whether you will be UNintentionally FAT
All day, the choice will be yours. Have a great day!!

Ivory Dorsey


In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity.
Albert Einstein

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

FADE TO LIFE: Let your Livelihood help you to celebrate your life!

In the movies, when they are transitioning from one scene to another, there is a term called "fade to black." I am suggesting as we transition from one "season of life" to another, that we "fade to life." Think about it; we spend the first half of our lives learning, applying, discovering, and proving. At some point, we should graduate to a higher level. You will know when graduation time comes because you will be willing to "discard" the safety of things things that you once held dear. Things will start to get heavy, cluttered, and inhibiting.

There will be a low level of discontent. You will find yourself asking the question: "now what." You may not verbalize it but the ho hum of it will be evident. It will reveal itself in thoughts of boredom, the superficial need for outrageous things, perhaps even a trip to unknown places. The journey is really an internal one. The ideal is to celebrate the first half by greeting the second half with the results of the first half.

The most important thing to remember is that you are calling the shots this time. No more "shoulds and "ought to's." You should be critically aware that when you die--the person in your casket will be YOU! Yes, it is you who will be in your casket! That is the person who should be making the decisions while you live. Other people can help you live but your die alone.

There are a few decisions you need to make. While you may or may not make the "right" one based on other people's standards, your approach should always be a Socratic one: "Why or why not?" You have earned the right to ask, ponder, accept, or reject with a clear conscience. While the "mind" is a terrible thing to waste--a life wasted for the wrong reason is tragic.

I see the rest of my life as being on a "high stakes scavenger hunt!" The clues will come in the decisions I make. I will share some of the decisions that arise that "other people" will attempt to influence.

The first one is MARRIAGE. It is nice to share your life but only if it enhances the quality of it. While the world is debating on the meaning of "happiness," let's stake our claim on contentment. Whether you are single or married, people in your life should enchance your level of contentment. They are either contributing to your quality of life are draining it. When you live with someone and the two of you are incompatible; you both die a little everyday. Yes, die. The part that dies is never to be resurrected!

Life is precious--set yourself free. If you are already free, hang on to it until you feel moved to raise your level of contentment and have found the person to help you. If you are married, take inventory and govern yourself accordingly. Weigh the good and the bad and let the chips fall where they may. This also applies to the platonic relationships in your life. Examine & decide. You really do have only one life to live; so live. It is a one way trip so enjoy the journey.

That is all for today, more later.

Monitoring Miracles (MM)

For more about me, go to: www.ivorydorsey.com